Sunday, March 31, 2013

Playing catch up...

Yes, we left last Sunday as planned but with limited wifi all week.  so apologies for delay in update and that it's brief.  we are safe and visiting family now; heading to san Diego in next couple of days.

Promise to include more details and photos in next post!

Over 'n out...Diane

Friday, March 8, 2013

The fifth traveller

I would be remiss if I did not honor a very special travel companion.  Eclipse would have gone with us if we had left last year as planned. Even a year ago his health was starting to deteriorate. He had a hard time climbing the steps to the RV and did not get around very much. Still, his condition was not a factor in the decision to postpone the trip.  I was ready to take him and he would have done his best to enjoy the trip. Eclipse crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Dec 11. We are bringing his collar, a clipping of his fur and plenty of pictures. He is going on this trip in spirit. He is our special travel companion.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Matilda's Birthday Wish

Something's going on.  Jose and Diane are loading stuff into the RV.  Every time they load the RV, it means we are going somewhere.  Maybe Jose remembered that today, March 7th, is my birthday.  Maybe he will take me to Jacob Lake; I always have fun there.  Or, if I am really lucky, he will take me to Carmel Junction.  That is my favorite place of all.  There is a creek there where I always go swimming.  I am shaking with excitement!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Getting Ready

Diane, the organizer and EXCEL guru, began creating spreadsheets of to do lists, expenses, destinations, etc.  The engineer in me insisted that I quantify and document the trip not only for ourselves but for all of you.  So I created this map depicting the route that we intend to take and the approximate timeframe of our trip. This is all very tentative.   This map is not only saved in several places on our phones and computers, but we also had it printed in color and laminated to hang in the RV and use as a placemat.  Diane even has it as her desktop photo.  What more incentive did we need?  And I proudly share it with anyone who will listen!