Friday, November 22, 2013


I am thankful that Jose is a good sport when I tease him saying, another cousin? But he really does have a lot, and we are visiting them all around the country. I am also thankful for his cousins as each of them are unique and delightful so far. 

As you know, we visited cousin Bob in California in April. Cousin Marilu and her husband, VV, from Rochester are vibrant, active scholars and intellectuals, making for lively discussions about religion and science at dinner time.  A trip down memory lane via Marilu's photo albums was delightful. And later walking along the Erie canal in Pittsford village, visiting the George Eastman House, and shopping at Wegmans grocery store, provided a perfect sampling of the community.

Meeting cousin Ed and his wife, Carmen, at their home in Guilford, CT, we discovered he was celebrating his 68th birthday and training for a triathlon in Hawaii!  Ed was so welcoming and just like a kid, grinning and joking all evening,  the birthday boy excited to celebrate with us and Carmen.

Carmen is a cook, running a catering business for 12 years, then putting the business on the back burner to focus on her health after finding she had cancer. Six years in remission, she exudes a playful and spiritual side, full of questions for us about life on the road and delving deeply into thoughts about our experiences so far. It was kind of breathtaking for me to pull my subconscious thoughts into cognition and express them verbally. I made a note to myself to list some of the questions Carmen asked adding several others so I can continue to query myself throughout the trip - list to come! Carmen is still cooking on occasion for select events, and her newly designed kitchen is always set up with a smorgasbord for breakfast and dinner for Ed and herself are self-proclaimed grazers.

Let me tell you that after 26 years of marriage, Ed and Carmen remain caring and flirtatious with one another. He is tender with her and she still adoringly courts him asking, Where is my boyfriend?, when he's stepped out of the room.
When I asked her why she moved to CT, she answered simply, For love...

Ay bendito! So endearing and authentic - I selfishly remain hopeful that this is attainable for me some day.

So, how many more cousins, Jose? I'd be delighted to meet them!

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