Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Savannah, Jacksonville, St Augustine

From Jose

We have been on the road over 9 months (275 days).  We have driven about 14,500 miles and used about 1,100 gallons of gas.

After Myrtle Beach we hopped on to Savannah, GA. This  is a old city with a rich history. As in other cities where we want to get a taste of the city but not of the traffic, we took a guided bus tour. Our tour guide was a hoot, adding her own commentary when applicable (and sometimes when not). One of the historic mansions we passed had two front stairwells. She explained that one was for the ladies and one for the gentlemen, to keep the gentlemen from looking at the ladies' ankles. Then she added that as the mother of a boy and a girl she has a lot more to worry about these days than ankles. We also saw the statue of the waving girl in honor of Florence Martus who between 1887 and 1931 waved at any ship leaving or arriving at the port.

Next stop was Jacksonville, where Diane 's family used to live. She doesn't know anyone there anymore but we visited her old neighborhood and the colombarium where her mom and sister are buried.

From there we went to Jacksonville Beach and then took US 1A towards St Augustine to visit my cousins Isabel and Miguel. All their children came in from different parts of the US for Christmas. We were invited to Christmas dinner with Isabel and Miguel and three of their children, two spouses, and five grandchildren at one of their children's homes. That house was hopping! Diane had Puerto Rican food for the first time, including arroz con habichuelas guisadas, pernil, pasteles and flan. I had not had a Puerto Rican Christmas dinner in a long time myself. Then the younguns opened some of their presents. Huge thanks to my cousins Miguel and Isabel and their families for including us in their Christmas plans on such short notice.

Now we will head deep into the heart of Florida where we have lots of people and places to see before heading west.

Stay tuned.

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