Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mount Hood

Some time ago I posted what I thought was a link to a video of Matilda and Maguire playing on the beach.  If you had any trouble viewing it, try this link.

Never a dull moment. The day after we visited Pre's Rock, we visited Hayward Field, where he did most of his running, and the trail where he trained. I even posed for the camera "running" in the same trail where Steve Prefontaine ran 40 years ago.

From Eugene we headed to Bend to visit our friend Dave.  On the way there we stopped at a cute little town named Sisters, (pop about 2,200) for three extinct volcanoes nearby named the Three Sisters.

We had a great time with Dave and got a good view of Bend.  The town has done a great job of reinventing itself after the lumber industry declined. The Deschutes river goes through the middle of town and they have developed this area with shops, boardwalks, a huge amphitheater, bike rentals, etc. My favorite shop was REI. The day we were there they had the 'Pole, Pedal and Paddle' competition, a triathlon of sorts. 

From there we went back to Sisters because we wanted to take a better look. Ended up staying two nights there.

The plan was to go north from the Bend/Sisters area to Madras,  Mount Hood and Hood River and then East along the Columbia River to Portland. I hoped to spend one night near Mt Hood. When we got to Madras we noticed it was cold, windy, overcast and yucky. When we started climbing towards Mt Hood it got very cold and then we noticed some white, flaky stuff falling from the sky. Soon the stuff was sticking to the trees, the road and the windshield. Being the brave adventurers that we are, we promptly decided to skip the Mt Hood part and head in the direction of Portland. We would not have been able to see Mt Hood anyway with all the white stuff flying all over the place. As soon as we got off the mountain the snow stopped and it was just "frozen mix". Maybe when we get to Portland we will do a side trip to see the Columbia River from the West.

Tonight we are hunkered down in a place called 'Green Canyon', trying to stay warm and dry. Looks like it's going to rain all night.

I started this trip in the spring knowing that the weather would be cool in the beggining but would warm up later. The first few days of the trip, in Palm Springs, Ca, were very hot. Today, almost June, we were turned back by snow. Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Such an adorable little town! I love the long trips where you visit seasons out of order. Many years ago, we drove all the way from Chugwater, Wyoming (skip it if possible) to Fort Worth, Texas in one day. We started in a blizzard, had a massive thunderstorm in New Mexico, a dust storm in the Texas panhandle, and arrived home in a mud covered MINI to a delightful spring.
