Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Three Sisters around the Bend"

Ahhh,  a new place to fall in love with.  Left the Oregon coast a couple of days ago and headed to Eugene, Track town USA. . We stopped at Alton Baker Park: 21 miles of gorgeous, cushiony walking/running/biking trails and its claim to fame is being Steve Prefontaine's regular training trail when he was alive.   The rhododendron grow all over Oregon and it was the first time I'd ever seen them in white.  I liked Eugene - a college town that reminded me of the residential East Side of Providence but with more modern campus buildings.

The highway photo below was our route toward Bend, OR on the way to visit our buddy, David,  who recently moved from Kanab.  We climbed to about 4500 feet leaving the gorgeous pine forests and rivers of Mackenzie National Forest behind us.  We encountered rain and some brief hail and silently hoped we would not be driving through snow covered mountains we could see in the distance.  This gorgeous misty drive through the forest descended quickly and opened up to calm, blue lakes below us as the little town of Sisters welcomed us (North, Middle and South Sisters in snow below). 

Stay tuned for more about the Cascade Range and hanging with Dave and his four-legged canine companion, Rain...