Monday, May 6, 2013

This land was made for you and me - 050613

We left our campsite this drizzly morning after saying good-bye to Georgie.

Driving down 101, we passed by a traveler walking along the highway with his belongings and a guitar.  It was our vocalist from yesterday ; we figure he is a wanderer who sings and does some labor in exchange for a meal and place to sleep and then moves on.  It would be pleasant to hear him sing again in another town.  one never knows.

Today was our trip down the Avenue of the Giants. We ran into and quickly passed a few tourist traps including Sasquatch but eventually found beautiful quiet roads lined with redwoods amidst lush, green forest that canopied us from a misty drizzle.   Mmm.

Tonight we actually looked at the map of Oregon to plan our travels for later this week.  So exciting!  Tomorrow is Eureka and a quick trip to Wally World - oh boy!

NOTEWORTHY: The visitor center in middle of redwoods is one of the best I've seen so far. Their animal exhibits are informative and unique presentations, and I was happy to see that the plant name placards outside were so natural and fitting within the setting.   Also displayed in the main center is the actual travel log built from ONE redwood by Charles Kellogg, a naturalist.  the first RV!

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