Tuesday, June 18, 2013

In the "TWILIGHT" zone - Forks & La Push, WA

Are these towns familiar to you?  It's okay; you can admit it.  I won't tell anyone - you can trust me to keep your secret...

Still not willing to face it?  You know you read at least the first book of the series - No?  Okay, sure I believe you.    But you must have seen ONE of the movies, maybe just the trailer.  Or was it the ENTIRE TRILOGY?

That's right!  You know you love Bella, Edward and Jacob and it's okay if you have the movie poster on your bedroom wall.  Don't be envious that I was there where it all happened.  I actually saw a wolf coming out of the bushes when we entered La Push; perhaps he sensed the arrival of vampires?

These towns are the perfect setting for a vampire story - the evergreens, the desolate beaches, and the isolation.

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