Monday, June 3, 2013

Multnomah Falls & Troutdale

Diane at the lower falls

Well we never saw Mt. Hood with all the clouds and fog overshadowing the mountains.  and later when looking for a place to rest for the night, a forest ranger informed us that the Timberline Lodge had actually closed their facilities due to bad weather - yes, that was the same snowstorm we were driving through for awhile.

Jose & Matilda
The day turned out great though.  We made it to Multnomah Falls and enjoyed a glorious, albeit, wet drive along parts of the Columbia River.  Spent the evening in a little town called Troutdale and had some of the best curry and teriyaki at one of the few restaurants available.   Owned by a young Thai woman,  the food was fresh and flavorful accompanied by a mound of sticky white rice so plentiful we were able to enjoy leftovers the next day.  Walking back to the RV after dinner,  we crossed over a footbridge and enjoyed the ducks and ducklings swimming in the creek below.   At the sound of our footsteps, all but one paddled quickly to hide in the shadow of a fallen log; the straggler realizing he'd been left behind couldn't swim around the log quickly enough to join the others so he hopped atop the log and seeing the flock jumped over the side into the water and back to safety.  Nature just doesn't get any better than that.

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