Monday, June 3, 2013

Mt. Hood - come hell or high water...

...or rain,  hail, rock slide, snow zone and yes actual snow! 
After leaving Sisters the plan was to see Mt. Hood, Columbia River and Multnomah Falls on our way to Portland.  The last three days had been heavy rain off and on which is great for moisturizing my dry desert skin but has set a familiar raw chill in my bones.  Don't you find it annoying when people say, 'the past few weeks were so beautiful and sunny and just this week we started getting cold and rainy weather'!?  Thanks for rubbing that in Oregon!   Indeed' the rain makes everything SO green and the cloud formations are amazing!

Not realizing that Mt. Hood has snow year round, we still proceeded on our planned scenic byway route and as we slowly climbed in elevation, naturally, rain became hail and hail became snow; it began to stick to foliage and when it began to accumulate rapidly on the road we had to turn around.

We figured that the cloud cover would prevent Mt. Hood from revealing its summit and we didn't want to slide into or down the side in the process! So we went around the other way and descended below treeline where the snow dissipated and eventually turned to light rain.

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